Our connection to the land provides a place for growth and wellness. Caring for self and others further promotes good health and happiness. Through sharing we can find fulfilment and purpose. When any one of these ingredients is missing our wellbeing becomes threatened. Short term supported accommodation is provided for adult people with disabilities on Green Acres Farm, Stroud.
Luxury Accessible Tiny Homes
About our Tiny's
What is STA
Accessible Inclusions
Support Model
Bring your Own Support Model
Information coming soon!
Participants are likely to have a number of days where their support arrangements will be different. These are non-typical days and may include funding to provide replacement support, or respite, in group based facility or in home support. Evidence from consultations to date indicates that support can generally fall into one of three levels:
Between the equivalent of 7 and 14 days per year: where the family provides support most days. This support is provided to the participant so that the informal carers can attend key activities relevant to other members of the family.
Between the equivalent of 14 and 28 days per year: where respite is a strategy to build capabilities for independence.
No more than the equivalent of 28 days per year: where the family provides support most days and informal care is at risk of not being able to be sustained due to severe behavioural issues or where the person requires intensive informal support.
These supports will be funded over a standard 24 hour period and participants or nominees will be able to choose how and when they use this funding in relation to weekdays, weekends or public holidays.